Corporate Finance Advisory and Consulting    © 2013 Hartland Capital - All rights reserved Terms and Conditions | Disclaimer The European Union is more inclined  towards protectionism than free trade  The ability to trade freely with the EU is an important aspiration of the government and much of the public within Britain’s negotiations for departure and future dealings with the Continent. Clement Julhia | August, 2017  2017 UK General Election Will Not Have  a Great Impact on Negotiations with the EU  Considering last June’s election centred largely  on the ongoing negotiations with Europe over  Britain’s departure from it, it would be normal  to think, the balance of power in the House  having been changed, that similarly negotiations   with Brussels would assume a different shape  as a consequence.  Clement Julhia | July, 2017  Clement Julhia Political Analyst +44 (0)7 392 322 476 Curriculum Vitae What future for EU Defence  Despite the intensity of the debate around Brexit, the discussion has centred on a few issues such as economics, immigration and sovereignty, whereas other topics like defence are more or less ignored today as they have been since the debate started. Clement Julhia | September, 2017  Lessons from Spain Who would have thought that wars of secession were not a thing of the past in Europe? The events in Spain are here to remind us that no epoch is an island and rarely do the mechanics of history cease to apply. Luckily for Spain, it doesn’t seem Catalonian independence will actually happen and I will try to explain why this is the case  Clement Julhia | November, 2017  Cold war in the Orient With the many overlapping conflicts by which the Middle-East is now agitated, it is difficult to find a central leitmotiv to it all. Yet also as events progress, the reality of objective alliances is more visible every day. The Saudi kingdom is less and less bashful about allying with Israel; Clement Julhia | February, 2018  The determinants of civil peace in societies which are divided by religion or ethnicity, studied empirically based on the examples of Switzerland and Lebanon Clement Julhia | December 2018